June 11, 2009

I Have a Goodly Heritage

Vintage image for sharing. Hi everyone, this is a card that my sister gave me.... she had it hanging in her laundry room and I just loved the verse and the vintageness of it all, so she gave me a copy. I now have it hanging in my bathroom. I read it everyday and there is just something about this verse that gives me so much peace and calm. My favorite part, "The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places..." I hope it brings you a sense of peace as well in this crazy uncertain world we live in. Feel free to copy and use for your own crafty projects or maybe you just want a happy plaque in your bathroom too (to start your day off on the right foot). Enjoy ya'll.  EDITED TO ADD:  I MIGHT EVEN MAKE SOMETHING OUT OF IT MYSELF USING OH MAYBE SOME BLINGBLING INSTEAD OF JUST HAVING IT PLAIN.

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