August 09, 2015

You're Loved No Matter What!

You're Loved No Matter What!  When I saw that title it caught my eye and I scurried on over to read the entire blog post.  I follow many blogs via Feedly.  I must follow hundreds.  My interest range from... well, first and foremost, papercrafts of course.  But then I've noticed my taste ranges from design blogs, farming, cooking, inspirational, jewelry making, all the way to interiors and fashion. This particular blog is a blog about faith, another topic near and dear to my heart.  The article was highlighting recommended reading but was a very encouraging article and the book looks like a good read too.  The high-level message from the blog post were about the friends and family our hearts need most...  I've taken the creative license and added the words 'and FAMILY' because I think it applies as well to families.

I have called you friends. – Jesus {John 15:15}

Encourage one another

A Loving Friend and Family Chooses You

A Loving Friend and Family Enjoys You

A Loving Friend and Family Doesn't Speak Negatively about You

A Loving Friend and Family Is Your Advocate and Encourager

A Loving Friend and Family Helps You Become All You’re Created to Be

Conversely, if you don't choose to enjoy your friends and family or you speak negatively about them, you refuse to be an advocate and offer encouragement... well that's just not LOVE. I believe they will still become all they are created to be just without you. Be kind people, love and forgive one another you may never get another chance. Life is short. One of my favorite sayings. Sweep your side of the street first. Amen.

Peace out

M!ss Pr!ssy

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