Just chick'n
in to see if anybody's out there.... hello hello hello hello. (think echo-sound). My little blog is woefully neglected but every now and then I like to pop-in with some blews (blews=blog news, I just made that up). LOL, still crackin myself up. What I've been up to lately? That is the question. Awhile ago, I took a class at my mostest favorite stamp store ever!!! ---> Papertales (hi Michelle) with my mostest favorite teacher/designer ever, ---> Debby Schuh. I'm taking this ---> class in July!! Can't wait. Anyway, the journal was called 'Recipe of Me' and could be used to hold stories of people, places and events that made up 'me'. However, I decided to modify and use it for a recipe holder all of my favorite, well-worn, family heirloom recipes. I think its perfect for it!

I've been meaning to transfer all of the recipes I love to recipe cards (either 4 x 6 or 5 x 8, whichever fits better) and include in my journal. Some I will print out and some I am going to handwrite. My personal recipes and family heirloom recipes will be handwritten. I've assembled a stack of all of my favorite recipes. Some are my favorites, some have been printed off the internet, some from family/friends.
Front cover. Tablescape w/candles, hen, handwriting samples
Dessert Section
Breakfast Section
This is kind of a four part entry. A tag card slides into this page for the Soup & Stew Section:
Pull the card out from the page. See my section tag?
I will keep all of my Soup & Stew recipes here. I made a flap on the bottom inch of the tag card by folding it up approx an inch. That way when I pull the tag out of the envelope the recipes come up with it. I wanted to store several recipes in this envelope so the flap contains them easier.
I made blank recipe card templates (of course I did) digitally (in MSWord) using (download font here --->) 'Old Typewriter' font style. It's one of my favorite fonts to use for papercrafting and adds to the vintage feel I'm going for. What I love about my recipe card templates is I made them in several sizes, 3x5, 4x6 and 5x8. I can use whichever size works best for the page I'm using in my journal. They are fully editable and can be modified as needed. I also made them double-wide (or long ,,)) with a dotted line for the fold. So would that make them 6x5, 8x6 and 10x8??? OMG nevermind. I can either type in the recipe and printout or print blank recipe cards and handwrite. I can also add clipart or borders if I like. So far, I've kept mine plain with just the classic blue lines and red borderline. I plan on customizing sometime. Aren't they cute? I printed them out on cardstock to make them sturdier.
I think this journal lends itself very well for 'favorite recipes'. I made category tabs as needed. I printed them out using the first couple of rows from my recipe card template. I added clipart to the category headings as you can see.
I hope you enjoyed your visit!! Leave a comment (with email address) and I will email a digital copy of my recipe card templates for you.