January 01, 2011


EDITED TO ADD:   bumping up

Original Post Date:  Saturday, January 01, 2011
I've had several words in contention for the "One Little Word" for this year.  As I thought about which one to choose, I chose the one that caught my attention.  I decided that this MUST be the word.

First, here's a peek at some of the contenders...

  • Light (Remembering God's light in my life, seeing the light, becoming lighter ,))
  • Faith (Always good to stay focused "In God We Trust")
  • Grace (God's Grace is ever present)
  • Present (Live in the moment, yesterday is gone and we aren't promised tomorrow)
  • Abundance
  • Joy (goes with fun, and happiness)
  • Fun (goes with joy and happiness, try and have more)
  • Happiness (goes with joy and fun)
  • Fit (the Winner)
  • Energetic (kind of goes with fit)
Last year my word was "Encourage".  I settled on that word because I felt it was a year that a lot of people could use more encouragement including myself.

For several years in a row before that I repeated the word "Simplify" because I felt that I just hadn't master it.  I wanted to purged belongings and have a streamlined environment and at the end of each year I felt like I STILL had too much stuff.  So I rolled it over yearly until I felt that I had simplified things enough.  Although I am still not "there" 100%, it's a continuous improvement process and I can always simplify things more.  I feel like I made good enough progress to retire that word, for now (it was a favorite I can always bring it back).  Plus, I just thought a new word would be fun for a change. 

My word for 2011 is.... drum rolls.... FIT! I had several words in contention but kept coming back to this one so I finally decided upon this word.  FIT.  DO-BE-HAVE.

fit - adjective, fit·ter, fit·test, verb, fit·ted or fit, fit·ting, noun –adjective
Fit - 1.  in good physical condition; in good health

There is such a huge connection between happiness and good health. I don't take enough time to build a foundation of good health. Good health can be the launching pad for great things.  It is hard to stay on track and consistent with my goals (of any kind) when my body isn't up to the challenge. It is extremely important to make sure my body stays (in my case "gets") in great condition if I want to build greater happiness in my life. 

I will live with it, invite it into my life.  Let it speak to me and also follow its lead.  I will identify the major characteristics of its qualities.  I will focus on the qualities I would like to become.  I will use it as my lens to see the changes I need to make as well as determine whether or not change is actually happening.

Staying focused on my word will give me direction.  Besides FIT covers a couple of the other contenders too.  If I get FIT I will be lighter, have more joy, it could be fun which will bring greater sense of well-being and happiness and we all know with fitness comes more energy.  So it's a good word.  Here's to your (and my) health in 2011.

It is health that is the real wealth, not pieces of gold and silver.  ~Gandhi

1 comment:

Mz-Cellaneous said...

Fit is a good word. Maybe I should borrow your word!! I'm trying to get "fit" this year too.

Your eggrolls sound great! (probably less eggrolls will help the fit. lol)

Thanks for coming by my blog girly!


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